My Top 3 Essential Oil Germ Fighters

In addition to stocking up on the recommended cleaners and wipes, I stocked up on essential oils. I’ve been meaning to grab a few of the favorites for a while now, just because it was cold and flu season. But when all the talk of pandemic hit the airwaves, I knew it was definitely time to place my order. Within this post you may find affiliate links.

It would be irresponsible of me to suggest that essential oils kill viruses and should be used instead of disinfectants. I am NOT implying that.

Stick to the CDC recommended products like bleach, to clean surfaces. I have a bottle, because it never fails. Who else grew up in a home where every Saturday when your mama cleaned, you thought y’all were going to die of toxic fume inhalation? That might be the reason I hardly ever buy it.

I digress.

Below is a list of the top three essential oils that I keep on hand. They are my go to for their antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

In addition to wiping down surfaces and washing hands around these parts, I’ve also been using essential oils. I use them individually and sometimes mixed together in a diffuser. I have a couple germ fighters and one that supports the respiratory system.

These germ fighting claims are not supported by the FDA so, buy as you see fit.

Health Shield

Health Shield is a version of popular Thieves Oil. Thieves is used in home cleaning products and hand sanitizers of some essential oil companies. It’s a blend of cinnamon, clove, lemon bark, and eucalyptus oils. It smells like a spicy potpourri to me. I place a few drops in a diffuser to purify the air. I’ve heard of people mixing it with carrier oil and applying to the soles of the feet when suffering from a cold. *A couple carrier oils are sweet almond, jojoba, and grapeseed oil.

Tea Tree Oil

The one essential oil I make sure to keep around the house at all times is Tea Tree Oil. I keep it for it’s antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties. Here’s an article about the 11 benefits of tea tree oil.

If I get terribly stressed out, I get fever blisters. The tingle of a fever blister is unmistakable. At the first sign, I wet a cotton swab add a drop or two of tea tree and apply it to the area. It dries up quickly.

Mixing 10 drops of tea tree oil, two cups of hot and 1/2 cup of vinegar creates a multi purpose cleanser. Be careful not to use it on stone though. At home, I add a few drops to the diffuser and let it do it’s antibacterial thing. It smells minty so I consider it energizing and would not suggest it for a night blend.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is another favorite to have on hand. It’s good for the respiratory system. Think of Vick’s when you think eucalyptus. When Dakota gets a cough, this is the main thing I diffuse. It’s said to be good for asthma, and nasal congestion. If stopped up from a common cold, I would dilute a drop or two in a carrier oil and apply to the chest. If the skin is sensitive, don’t do it. Just do the diffuser instead.

Ho Wood

Ho Wood oil is a new addition to the collection. When I saw the name, it brought out the immaturity in me but I just giggled my way to research it. I thought it would smell like agarwood, my favorite, but it’s more floral and earthy. It’s an antiseptic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial and sedative. I like the way it smells so it’s purely aromatic for now.

The plan is to mix a few drops of tea tree with health shield and put it in a spray bottle. It’s a last resort hand sanitizer in the event I run out and can’t make any because of an alcohol shortage. Not a replacement for hand washing, just a in a pinch measure.

If you plan to experiment with essential oils, do so with care. Don’t consume them unless they say food grade. Check with your doctor about mixing, and applying to skin if on medication. If you want to build a collection, start slow and add more over time.

If you found this post helpful, use the PinIt button to add to your Pinterest collection. I’ve shared a link to all the essential oils that I use in this post. If you have some essential oils you think I should know about, let me know in the comment section here, or on Instagram.

Thanks so much for reading. Be well!

xo, Sha


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